May 30, 2017

Talofa lava!! - Te wiki o te reo Hāmoa

Tena tātou katoa
Kua rite tātou mō tētahi rā whakahirahira ki a Aotearoa nei!!


1st July

Te mahi a te Pukeko

Mahi Manaakitangata at it's finest whānau! 

8.30am! Time to Mahi!!



Kia ora whānauSo this term our class is contributing by selling home-made baking and "MAUNGA PUIA" (Volcanoes)We hope to see alot of our parents coming through to see (and hopefully buy) their tamaiti's work.


May 24, 2017

Ko Rūāumoko tētahi Atua - Ko Miranda te tākiwa

Ko ia te atua o ngā puia, ngā ngawhā, ngā whawha, ngā maunga puia, ngā rū whenua hoki.
Ānei a mātou harenga ki Miranda hot pools, ki te pā atu ki ētahi momo mahi o Rūāumoko.


Ngā mihi ki ngā mātua i tae atu ki te āwhina mai
Ngā mihi anō ki a Matua Dudley raua te Tumuaki Whaea Sue
Ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa mō tēnei harenga ataahua

Matua Hone - Te Pepi hou


Ko te ingoa o tā tātou pepi, ko Amaia!!
Nau mai ki te whānau Āwhina

May 18, 2017

He waiata nō ngā tauira

Ko Khian tēnei. Kei te whakaako ia i ngā tauira katoa i te waiata i waihanga e rātou.
Ko Rūāumoko te ingoa o te waiata rā.
Ko te manako, ka waiata mātou ki te katoa!

Ka aha, mena ka puhapuha tētahi ahi tīpua??

Ānei ētahi o mātou whakaaro!!

Honesty is the Best Policy!!

KiwiCan says "Honesty is the BEST POLICY!!"
We have been working on our skill of being honesty even though we know we might get in trouble or lose a game.


Lets work together

Term 2 has started in a great way, with students positively working together and trying to learning from each other!!

April 11, 2017

Te wā ringawera, te wā kai - Anzac Biscuits

Firstly we had to wash our hands.
Then we went on to learn about being safe in the kauta.
We made groups and named each of the things in the kauta that we would have to use, i.e. measuring cup, spoons, teaspoons, wooden spoons, and all ingredients.



Ana, tā mātou mahi.
Mahi tahi, mahi whakapono, mahi tuhura, mahi rangatira.
Te amorangi ki mua, te hapai o ki muri.
Kei kōnei ngā ringa reka. YUUUMMMMY!!