March 28, 2017

KiwiCan In class with Akomanga 21

Be nice
Be kind
Look after each other!!


The hula-hoops are the only safe areas when the SHARK ATTACK happens
so when it happens we need to jump in and keep each other safe

"Be my friend, stick with me, i'll look out for you, and you look out for me"

March 27, 2017

Getting Kīwaha with Whaea Camille

Ko tēnei te wāhi kīwaha mō tātou

Ko te kīwaha o te wiki kua pahure
Hei aha tau. = Never mind yours

Ko te kīwaha o tēnei wiki;
Nōku te hē = My bad, My accident

Working with Waiata

Mā cynthia, Te whānau Kereru learning waiata together

Taku Hina -
Kei te pito o hirikapo e takirikiri ana
i te koingo, i te awhero, i te awangawanga
Pera i a Hina, e taukumekume ana i te Moana
ko koe ki taku manawa, taku Hina

Ka po te ao, ka ao te po
ko koe ki taku hinengaro
ka po te ao, ka ao te po
ko koe ki taku hirikapo        x 2

Kei te pito o hirikapo e taukumekume ana
i te wawata, i te moemoea, i te maharahara
Heia aa, Hina e taukumekume ana i te Moana
ko koe ki taku manawa, taku Hina

Ka po te ao, ka ao te po
ko koe ki taku hinengaro
ka po te ao, ka ao te po
ko koe ki taku hirikapo        x 2
Tera ia ina, e taukumekume ana i te Moana
ko koe ki taku manawa, taku Hina

Ka po te ao, ka ao te po
ko koe ki taku hinengaro
ka po te ao, ka ao te po
ko koe ki taku hirikapo        x 2

March 23, 2017

Waitohu - Ko Auraki te tinana o te Waitohu


Koia nei ētahi rerenga e pā ana ki te tohu Auraki
Ko Auraki te tinana o te Waitohu.
Ka toro atu te tinana mai i te kaki, tae atu ki ngā waewae o te Waitohu.
Koia rā ngā tangata o Paaka Kerenene.
Ko te koru o roto te tohu o te waiora.

March 22, 2017

KiwiCan - Friendships and Laughing together


Together we can laugh, together we can be friends!
After learning to laugh together with the game; Ha!!
We played a game of groupings, Sky Towers = Alone , Harbour Bridge = 2 people , Bee hive = 3 people , Roller Coaster = 4 people
Our catch phrase for now is "Be my friend, stick with me, i'll look out for you and you look out for me."

Mahi o te Waitohu


Koia nei ētahi o ngā mahi, e pā ana ki te Waitohu o Paaka Kerenene!!

Te whānau Pūkeko


Ānei tētahi pikitia o ngā Pūkeko i roto i te horo.
Ā ētahi atu kei roto i te takiwa o Manukau

March 16, 2017

Te kanikani me te kanikani

Kanikani noa iho (Just dance)
Go Noodle hanga he mahi tauira (Lets make a pattern)


He rawe te kanikani ki a mātou!! Kanikani mai whānau!! - One Direction : What makes you beautiful

Te hokomaha i te ahiahipō


Te hokomaha o te ahiahipō
Twilight markets; ānei ētahi pikitia o taua pō!! Menemene mai Pūkeko mā!!

Mahi-a-ringa te tauira

He tauira a-ringaringa tēnei

Ringa huakina... Ringa maui ki runga, ringa matau huri ki raro, ringa maui hoki ki raro...
                           Ringa matau huri ki runga, ringa mari huri ki raro, ringa matau hoki ki raro...
Mati iti...

Mai i te mahi, kei reira he hononga, kei reira anō he tauira
With every action there is a pattern and relationship

KiwiCan - Communication

Learning to play together and develop GOOD FRIENDSHIPS

Here is a game of communication, working as a team to score runs :)

March 14, 2017

Manaakitanga at it's finest

Ahakoa te aha, ka hikoi tāhi te roopu Pukeko
Akakoa te aha he whānau kōtahi tēnei


March 12, 2017

Whaea Trish Bringing the Pattern

He aha te tauira i konei?

Wahine, tane wahine, tane?
Roa te makawe, iti te makawe, Roa te makawe, iti te makawe?
Kakahu tika, kakahu kāre i te tika, kakahu tika, kakahu kāre i te tika?
Panikoti, tarau, panikoti, tarau?

Kapa Haka - A time to learn


Koia nei ko tātou, e mahi kapa haka ana.
I te ata o te Rāmere, ia wiki ia wiki.

Winning the attendance award with Room 21

Our class winning the attendance award for week 5!!
Khian and Isis with our attendance certificate
Here are two students that helped us win this award

Tiaho mai rā - Ko Te reo māori tōku reo Rangatira


Tiaho mai rā 

Tiaho mai rā
Te whetu o te ata
Kopu i te ao,
Pareārau i te pō
Ka tu te ao marama
he ao hara
Tu mai rā koe hei tohu i ahau,
Tu mai rā koe hei tohu i ahau,

E kore te aroha,
E kaupare noa
Hoki mai rā ki ahau, e te tau.
Hoki mai rā ki ahau, e te tau.

Tiaho mai rā
Te whetu o te ata
Kopu i te ao,
Pareārau i te pō
Ka tu he o marama
he ahara
Tu mai rā koe hei tohu i ahau,
Tu mai rā koe hei tohu i ahau

Nga mihi Hanakoko!!

A beautiful class, given beautiful gifts.
Thankful to have every student!!
So here is a token of our appreciation!
Ngā mihi ki a Matua Dudley raua ko Whaea Tracey

Te wharepukapuka!

He taonga te pukapuka
He rawe te wheako!!