April 11, 2017

Te wā ringawera, te wā kai - Anzac Biscuits

Firstly we had to wash our hands.
Then we went on to learn about being safe in the kauta.
We made groups and named each of the things in the kauta that we would have to use, i.e. measuring cup, spoons, teaspoons, wooden spoons, and all ingredients.



Ana, tā mātou mahi.
Mahi tahi, mahi whakapono, mahi tuhura, mahi rangatira.
Te amorangi ki mua, te hapai o ki muri.
Kei kōnei ngā ringa reka. YUUUMMMMY!!

Ānei Mātou o te whānau Pūkeko


Te waitohu o Paaka Kerenene

Te Wa-i-to-hu o Paa-ka Ke-re-ne-ne

Ānei ētahi o tā mātou mahi

Ko Auraki te wehenga tuatahi o te waitohu
Ko Te whānau Āwhina te wehenga tuarua o te waitohu
Ko Tautua mo tupulanga te wehenga tuatoru o te waitohu
Ko Hapori te wehenga tuawhā o te waitohu
Ko Poari kaitiaki te wehenga tuarima o te waitohu
Ko Te Atua te wehenga tuaono o te waitohu.
Ana, ko te waitohu o Paaka Kerenene!

Nau mai, haere mai, whakaatau mai e ngā Manu Purotu

Having a quick dance party :D

Was such an awesome day that we thought we would enjoy the time we've had together with a little dance party


April 9, 2017

Enjoying the Wharepukapuka


Kei te pānui tātou mō ake tonu atu!!
Ka wani kē pukeko mā

Ngā rerenga haere!

I haere ahau mā runga (waka) (tae).
Kei te ako tēnei whānau i ngā tae me ngā momo waka

Kīwaha o te wā

Hei aha tau - never mind yours
Nōku te hē - my bad
E kī e kī - is that right? (ina ka kōrero rukahu tētahi)

Sending our love to Whaea Flo!


Hope that our Whaea Flo is doing well, and we hope our cards reach you soon!!

April 3, 2017

Naomi - Colors and Vehicles

Ānei ngā whakaaro me ngā taonga roto.
Ko tōku waka kōwhai tēnei.
Ko tōku motokā kiwikiwi tēnei.

Kua whakaroaroa mātou i a mātou rerenga!!
Ko te tumanako ka mau tonu mātou i ngā ture o te reo Māori!!

Ānei ētahi rerenga Māori a Mātou

He pai ki a Naomi te katoa o ngā āporo!!

Ko te Atua te upoko o te waitohu!

Ānei ētahi o mātou mahi e pā ana ki te waitohu o te kura nei
Ko te atua te upoko o te waitohu!


Class Dojo - A place where we are the difference

Here is a view of our class dojo.
We have a little monster that represents each of us.
Here we work together to gain points through various tasks or whanonga we show throught the day.
If we get enough points, we will be able to have a BIG SHARED LUNCH !! MMMMM YUM!!

Cruze and his Mathmatical Art

He heihei tēnei.
By answering the questions on the paper Cruze was able to use the KEY and find out what colour each piece of the artwork was to be :)

Te waitohu i runga i te Matapihi o Akomanga 22

Ko Auraki
Ko Te Whanau Awhina
Ko Te Tautua mo Tupulanga
Ko te hāpori
Ko te poāri kaitiaki
Ko te atua
Ānei te tohu o te kura nei :)